Feel boring? Say "Bye-Bye to Boredom", here's some tips :
* You obviously have too much time on your hands. If in school do extra schoolwork, or, take up a sport. Go out with friends, get a part-time job and volunteer (make yourself useful.) As a volunteer, you meet lots of new friends and giving back to society is rewarding.
* Do something nice for someone else
o Write a letter to a soldier in a foreign country thanking him/her for protecting you.
o Visit some elderly people in your neighborhood, or children in the hospital who would love some company!
o Start packing some old clothes or toys to donate to charity.
o Write a poem for your mom dad/friend showing how happy you are they are in your life.
o When you do something nice for someone else you often forget how bored you are and feel really great - As Ralph Waldo Emerson said "...to make one person smile, this is to have succeed."
* If all your friends are busy, you are stuck at home, and you don't feel like doing anything people suggest, then there's not really an answer. Get a pet. You could go on MySpace. You could make random videos and take random pictures. Watch things on YouTube. Watch MTV or anything you feel like. If you don't want to even try these things, and just slump around being bored there's only one real answer... you're being lazy!; either go outside or go to sleep.
* Most children or teens think school work is boring, but it's something we all had to do or are doing to get a good education. Go to the library and read more and oh yes, there are computers there so check out Google.com and find some subjects you would be interested in. Join a choir or sports.
* Play a games on the computer/video games/board games/cards, go outside, go for a walk/jog/bike ride/skiing/tobogganing/snowboarding, work out, read, do homework, get some friends together and go to an amusement park/arcade/bowling, draw/paint/do crafts, offer to help your parents with something around the house, take a nap, have a bath/do full grooming nails etc., wash your or your parents car(s)/water the plants, watch or go to the movies, bake something with one of your parents, be bored with a friend, rearrange/tidy your room, become a volunteer with an organization you or your parents approve of, visit elderly people at retirement homes the love that as some don't have families or visitors - don't be afraid to use your imagination and you are never to old to do any of the above activities - there is always something to do.
* Join WikiAnswers to ask and answer questions. (But don't waste all your time on the computer : go outside and get some fresh air and exercise when the weather is good.)
* Go onto Youtube and create an account so you can make videos.
* If I'm on the computer, and it's a nice day out, I'll go outside on the swing. If you live in the city, ask if you can go the park and do something with a friend or by yourself. If it's rainy, I go on quizilla.com, read stories, and take quizzes and polls. That's what I'm going to do right now.
* If your on your own get a A4 peice of card (but if you dont have any card paper is fine) and draw a square template, and before cutting it out and sticking it together, on each side of the square write something you find fun or wouldn't mind doing (like maybe, read, call a friend, draw, make something, bake/cook, play a computer game.) then you cut around the template of the square and stick the sides together, but you have to make sure the writing is on the outside! Then role the square like a dice. Then, when ever you feel bored, role the dice to see what to do.
* If you are with a group of friends (you need about 6, but around that number would be fine) another idea would be to make 2 dice, and one one of then write stuff like; 'Ask out' 'Hug' 'Kiss' and things like that. On the other dice, write peoples names, some of the names can be the people with you. Get in a circle, and when it is your turn to the dice you will end up with something like 'Hug Tom' or something like that. I've played it before, its such a laugh!
* Read a book
* Catch up on some homework
* Go on the computer
* See what's on TV
* Make a newspaper for your family
* Create a story/ novel, whatever you want
* Call a friend
* Take a bike ride
* Take a walk
* Sell ice tea.
* Eat food
* Make an awesome ice cream sundae
* Take a picture
* Create a contest
* Get a friend or two, and take turns designing each other as movie stars, TV shows, or anyone you can think of.
* Take a nap
* Play some music and dance. (And it's good exercise too!)
* Make a play with your friends
* Do something you wouldn't usually do
* If you are a member of Twitter then Tweet everything you do
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