So you are feeling Sad. I know how it feels like, it feels like there is something hurting you but you are not aware of it, It feels like you are neither happy nor satisfied. But why do we feel sad? Are these sad feelings nothing more than a part of the usual cycle of mood swings?
No they are not; these sad feelings are a message sent to you by your subconscious mind, in order to take an action.
Why Do We Feel Sad?
Sad feelings are like all the other emotions we experience, they are an indication that something is going wrong in our lives. The root causes for sad feelings are uncountable but they can be summarized under one big category, Unsolved Problems.
The more unsolved problems you have, the more likely you will feel sad from time to time. You don't have to solve the problem completely to feel good; you just need to take an action towards solving it. see this example below for a better understanding of the concept, which is an example of the communication that happens between you and your subconscious mind.
Your Subconscious Mind Hey, you may not get a raise this year and you are not taking any actions, I am sending you some sad feelings to motivate you.
You Oh my God, I am feeling sad, I am feeling sad. Why, why is this happening to me, God, why, why me??
Few weeks later you discovered that you may be feeling sad because you may not get a raise, so you started to work harder
Your Subconscious Mind I can see you are taking actions, there is no more need for the sad feelings, I am withdrawing them again
As you can see, the subconscious mind found no more reason to keep the sad feelings and so they disappeared. When you feel sad, your main focus should be finding the root cause for these feelings then working towards solving them.
Feeling Sad without Knowing Why
Feeling sad without knowing why is usually the result of having too many accumulated problems in your subconscious mind to the extent that you don't know which of them is the real reason for your sad feelings.
Some people escape solving their problems by taking drugs, others escape them by sleeping while a third category escapes by going into a new relationship. There are hundreds of methods that people use to bury their problems deeper in their subconscious minds, but the subconscious mind never gives up, it always replays back by sending a more intense sad feeling in order to wake you up.
If you don't really know what's really making you feel sad then start by sorting out all of the problems you have, then solve them one by one, when you come along the one that is causing you the sad feelings you will feel better.
Feeling Sad all the Time (For extended Periods)
Feeling sad all the time is one of the symptoms of depression. You may be feeling sad because you are depressed. Personally, I consider depression a message too, a message telling you that unless you bring back what was lost your subconscious mind will keep you depressed.
Stopping Feeling Sad
Whether it's an unsolved problem or whether it's a problem that is buried into your subconscious mind, the result will be sad feelings. The only way to deal with these sad feelings is to solve what can be solved and to accept what cannot be solved; only then your sad feelings will go away.
If you don't like this approach, you can start it the other way around, by starting a journey towards feeling happy. This guide will tell you what you need to do in order to feel happy, which in turn, will drive away sad feelings. Anyway you can think "Now I know that when I feel sad, I'm not alone. There is always someone who can help me. All I have to do is confide in someone I trust. What's more, I now know it doesn't last forever."
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