No one wants to be in a bad relationship, but few of us are given the tools to fix relationships that aren't working. What follows is an in-depth but extremely effective way creating a healthy relationship, one step at a time. Whether the two of you are on the verge of breaking up, or if you just feel something is amiss and needs to be looked at further, the words that follow are meant to get you out of your rut and have you enjoying your relationship again.
Poor communication often derails the most important relationships in a person's life. The ability to listen is the best tool you can bring to any reconciliation efforts. This checklist of other pointers can help you patch things up with the parties indicated.
- Remember that love is a verb. Choose to love your spouse for better or for worse.
- Communicate even if it results in an argument. Choose a private place and a time when you won't be interrupted.
- Outlaw any name calling, references to past history, and cheap shots during the argument. Stick to the issue at hand.
- Listen to your spouse attentively without interruption. Pay attention to the emotions that lie behind the words and body language. Do not try to change those feelings or offer solutions; just validate them by listening.
- Don't go to bed angry at each other. Call a truce before bedtime. Most things look better in the morning.
- Take action. Do something every day that shows your love for your spouse even if you don't feel love. Love has a funny way of creeping back into the picture.
- Remember that the bond of love grows even stronger after you've survived difficult times.
Teenage child
Step 1Set good examples through your actions. Listen attentively and let your teen know your love is unconditional. Resist complaining, nagging or criticizing.
Step 2Give clear guidelines. Explain the reasons behind them and the consequences of failure to abide by them.
Step 3If your teen disobeys the guidelines, reaffirm the reasons behind the guidelines and hold him or her responsible for the consequences.
Step 4Choose your battles carefully. Is blue hair really worth arguing about? Also, make sure to notice and affirm positive behavior in your teen.
Step 5Communicate openly about the many peer-related challenges, including alcohol, drugs, smoking and sex.
Step 6Encourage your teen to get a part-time job to learn financial responsibility.
Step 7Give your teen space and time to figure things out. Allow him or her to make mistakes. It's part of the learning process.
Step 1Reach an agreement with your spouse that you are going to work on repairing your in-law relationship as a united couple.
Step 2Make a list of past events that have injured the relationship. Forgive and forget, but also learn from the events.
Step 3Set clear boundaries as a couple about what is acceptable behavior for your in-laws. Communicate these boundaries to your in-laws when necessary.
Step 4Take time to get to know your in-laws. With knowledge comes greater understanding of these people and their behavior.
Step 5Be polite and treat your in-laws with dignity and respect even if you don't like them.
Step 6Learn to accept advice from your in-laws graciously even if you have no intention of following it: "Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion."
Always give your in-laws another chance. Set new limits if necessary after a negative encounter, but keep the bond alive.
Step 7
Troublesome neighbor
Step 1Explain to the neighbor in person how he or she is causing a problem. If you feel concerned for your safety, bring a friend and have the encounter in an area you consider safe.
Step 2Suggest several solutions that take both your needs and your neighbor's into account.
Step 3Listen attentively to your neighbor's version of events. If the neighbor becomes argumentative or threatening, end the encounter immediately. Do not engage your neighbor in an argument. Report any threats of bodily harm to the police.
Step 4After you have listened to your neighbor, confirm that your neighbor agrees to one of the solutions. Be sure to thank him or her for cooperating.
Step 5If the neighbor neglects your request, decide whether you can tolerate rude behavior to keep peace in the neighborhood.
Step 6If you can't tolerate it, contact the landlord, neighborhood-watch representative or cooperative board. Call the police or city hall as a last resort.
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