Just thought I’d give all of you a nice list of things to think about. This isn’t an in-depth post, but more of a thought for the day — is there someone you’d like to make happy today?
Making others happy is one of the best ways to have a great day yourself. It can brighten the world around you.
This list is just to spark some ideas, and please note that not every item on this list is appropriate for every person in your life. I trust you to figure out which actions go with which people.
Make someone happy today or Do you have a friend who is feeling sad? Here are a few ways to make someone happy!
- Smile at them. Learn how to have a real smile, and care about people. Learn how to feel compassion when regarding someone.
- Tell them a funny joke. Inside jokes work really well, especially if it is something only between the two of you. Learn how to make them laugh.
- Find something funny online that you know they'll like and send it to them in an email.
- Compliment them sincerely. Tell them something you love about them.
- Invite them to do something fun with you. Go bowling, swimming, or something else fun and active.
- Pick a dandelion or blade of grass and give it to them. Say things such as, “I got this especially for you!” or "I picked this weed just for you!" It is different and might make them laugh at your sillyness, make them smile at your sweet nature.
- Listen to them. Try to understand their thoughts and be in their shoes. This shows you care and love them, whether they may appreciate it or not. Be there. They will come to realize what a friend you've been.
- Try not to insult them with some of your 'compliments'. That could lead to more sadness.
- Listen to what they have to say and let them know that you are there to help if needed.
- Be happy yourself. You're saying, I know how to be happy - follow me! It can fade their sadness, getting in touch with their desire to enjoy themselves instead of shedding tears.
- Do something that encourages sweating. Football, soccer, basketball, a jog with you two together, dancing, bowling, cleaning up the garage, etc.
- Give your friend a hug! Tell them how you feel about them.
- Take him/her to see animals, especially when he/she loves them!
- Do something that is familiar and entertains him/her.
- Let them know that you're comfortable with them around - say "Vera! I love you!", "I missed you!", "I love being around you!", "It's so nice to be here with you", etc. The other person would appreciate knowing that they're appreciated! Say anything sweet you truly mean, but have always kept on the inside. It'll make them smile physically and mentally, knowing that it came from the bottom of your heart.
- Make sure they know that you'll be there for them no matter what
- If your friend wants to be alone, leave him or her alone, but let them know that if they change their mind and want to talk, you're willing to hear whatever they have to say.
- If your friend is upset about someone, don't say bad things about that person, to make things worse. It'd just encourage negative feelings towards that someone he/she is thinking of.
- Try to avoid making comments about how you pity him/her.
- Don't try too hard to cheer this other person up, meaning trying for a long period of time without any success. If you do, they can start thinking that you can't make them happy.
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