Monday, 6 May 2013

To Be a Good Husband

Be a gentleman, if she'll let you. Most, not all, women find the idea of a gentleman sweet and endearing. If your wife is that kind of lass, get ready to bust out your most chivalrous self....
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Be a Good Wife

No woman goes into a marriage expecting to be a bad wife. However, if you aren't communicating with your husband about your needs as well as meeting his needs, your relationship can get seriously out...
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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Being Romantic

 What "being romantic" means varies widely from person to person, but at its core, romance involves doing something to express affection in a meaningful yet unexpected way. A true act of romance...
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Smile for Happiness

You can easily stand out by smiling, and at the same time, improve your happiness. In fact, smiling helps make you feel much better emotionally, because it releases endorphins, brain chemicals that...
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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Choose Your Halloween Costume

With Halloween coming up, if you haven't already chosen a costume, it's possible you're stuck for ideas. Never fear, there are plenty of ways to come up with creative, original ideas for a costume and...
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Your Ex-Lover Marriage, Come Or Not?

Have you ever run into a dilemma when receiving a wedding invitation from a former lover. Do you need to come to the party or dodge better? There are several considerations that you should do before deciding...
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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Initiate Your Boyfriend to Kiss

In most societies around the world, it's traditionally up to the guy to initiate a couple's first kiss. If you're a girl, this takes a lot of pressure off you, but sometimes it can be frustrating if...
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